
Upcoming Events

No new events planned yet, but more will be announced soon!

Previous  Events

Connecting with Nonprofits in Miami

May 27, 2024

Alex Toporovskiy will be visiting Miami to extend Urgent's network and open up opportunities with other nonprofits.

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Miami Florida Non Profit Urgent

Going the Extra Mile Award: Annual Open Dialogue 2023-2024

May 21, 2024

We recognize Caruso Middle School for their dedication and extended motivation to run two projects with two different schools from two different countries and cultures . The certificate of excellence had been awarded to Jennifer Gold and Eliza Cadkin for their leadership and commitment within the program

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Open Dialogue Urgent Universal Event Non Profit Ukraine

Open Dialogue Connects with Brady Middle School

May 3, 2024

The URGENT Team extends gratitude to Brady Middle School in the Orange City School district for this opportunity. It's been an honor to acknowledge those who've contributed to Open Dialogue™ and URGENT's mission overall.

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Open Dialogue Connects With Brady Middle School



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